The Alchemy Of Shamanic Shadow Work

Welcome to The Alchemy Of Shamanic Shadow Work Podcast! It is my mission to bring you content to help you change your life and help you; get what you want. Let us create the life of your dreams and rise out of suffering into empowerment together. We will explore relationships and personal patterns in depths to help you do this. We will also talk about integrating painful emotions and painful emotions, Shamanism, consciousness, Mother Earth, magic and so much more. Please subscribe and leave a review to show your support to help others find the show and be a part of the mission to change lives. Lush Hearts Blossoming is a community of individuals who believe in a new Earth, one with love and unity. contact:

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Social Structure

Tuesday May 24, 2022

Tuesday May 24, 2022

In this episode, Ashen delves into the social structures we have created to live in, where they are failing to serve us, and how we can learn to identify our needs to help us build better support and community around ourselves.

Self Love

Thursday May 19, 2022

Thursday May 19, 2022

In this episode, Ashen dives deep into the topic of self love, how we are taught the opposite from a young age, and how to walk the path towards loving yourself.

Tuesday May 17, 2022

In this episode, Ashen delves into tools, techniques and practices that you can use to develop, enhance and connect to your psychic senses.

Abundance Mindset

Thursday May 12, 2022

Thursday May 12, 2022

In this episode, Ashen discusses abundance, how she's come to understand it as both a state of flow and a mindset, and how you too can learn to achieve it.

The Unworthiness Pattern

Tuesday May 10, 2022

Tuesday May 10, 2022

In this episode, Ashen dives deep into the unworthiness pattern, how it is created within us during childhood, how to recognise that you've been living with it, and how you can start to shift yourself out of it.

Thursday May 05, 2022

In this episode, we discuss why people are stuck in the victim identity, how this pattern forms and how to take responsibility for your life in order to change its course completely.

Why Qi Gong

Tuesday May 03, 2022

Tuesday May 03, 2022

In this episode Ashen delves into Qi Gong, as a martial art and tool for life. We cover the specific branch of Qi Gong, Qi Gong Shibashi, that Ashen has studied, and how it can be applied to your life.

The Magic Of The Elements

Friday Apr 22, 2022

Friday Apr 22, 2022

Within this episode we will discuss elemental magic

Projection of Fear

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022

In this episode, we discuss projection of fear, what it is, how it comes about, and how it can be changed. Fear projection is a deep emotional response to a trigger that causes extreme fear, inner chaos and anxiety, which feels life-threatening even though, there is no actual threat to the person.

Ego vs. Manifestation

Thursday Apr 14, 2022

Thursday Apr 14, 2022

In this episode, we explore how ego can get in the way of what you desire to manifest, and how to avoid this. 


Ashen Wolf; Extrasensory Coach & Shaman

Ashen is an extrasensory psychic, born with the ability to see auras, portals and beings. From a young age, she was able to communicate with the multidimensional world using all five claire-senses. This led to the work she does today, using her abilities to look through the vortexes of her eyes, deeply into people, to help guide them into the higher level of consciousness known as the heart space.

Ashen is a teacher of Heart Space consciousness and she created this podcast to help bring spiritual people together, and shine a light on the shadows that are holding people back, to help them both heal and empower themselves.


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